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Downloads the text file under the specified path from a GitHub repository via GitHub's GraphQL API and returns its content as a string.


gh_text_file(owner, name, path, rev = "HEAD")



Repository owner's GitHub user or organization name. A character scalar.


Repository name. A character scalar.


Path to a file, relative to the repository root. A character scalar.


Git revision expression matching the desired Git tree object, e.g. a branch or tag name or another symbolic reference like "HEAD@{yesterday}" or "HEAD~10". A character scalar.


A character scalar, or an empty character vector in case no text file is found under rev:path.


Works for both public and private repositories, for the latter you just need to set up a sufficiently authorized GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT).

Note that nothing is returned in case of a binary file, as if no file at all existed under the given path.

See also

Other GitHub functions: gh_dir_ls(), gh_release_latest(), gh_releases(), gh_text_files()


yay::gh_text_file(owner = "rpkg-dev",
                  name = "pal",
                  path = "pal.Rproj",
                  rev = "HEAD~2") |>
#> Version: 1.0
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